Health & Environment

A website covering chemicals regulation and environmental health issues. Responsible for writing feature articles, marketing the site, maintaining a public news and science archive, and implementing editorial oversight mechanisms to ensure continuing relevance of content, factual accuracy of articles and, where necessary, legal review. View here.

  • Converted a conference marketing email newsletter into one of Europe’s leading blogs, with 3,000 subscribers
  • Established an editorial board with medical, public relations, scientific and medical expertise to guide the publication and review individual articles for quality
  • Recently sold our first advertising space, and our features are covered by Brussels policy news outlet Chemical Watch
  • Social media archive of over 1,500 news items and scientific studies, generating RSS feeds for other sites
  • H&E is a key driver of CPES communications strategy, cementing the organisation’s reputation for scientific expertise
  • Through interviews for articles, H&E also facilitates development of the charity’s relationships with researchers
  • Best articles include: cumulative risk assessment; thresholds of toxicological concern; obesogens; and why different values might be a factor behind the impasse on the safety of BPA

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